I'm home for a while now.... - Reisverslag uit Noordwijkerhout, Nederland van Annelies Hulsebosch - WaarBenJij.nu I'm home for a while now.... - Reisverslag uit Noordwijkerhout, Nederland van Annelies Hulsebosch - WaarBenJij.nu

I'm home for a while now....

Door: Annelies

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Annelies

06 Oktober 2005 | Nederland, Noordwijkerhout

I'm home now. And in the first week it was strange to be home. But now I'm back in track and I'm looking for jobs. Now I'm working for an agency at a care centre for little childeren. It's really fun but I like to have a full-time job. Sometimes I look at the pictures from camp and than I think: 'It was really a fun, cool, nice time at camp'. On november 11 some off you will come to HOLLAND and I really whant to see you guys. I look forward to....
Because Amsterdam is cool and I hope that you will have a great time there!!

Talk to you guys and say something on my website because I like to here from you...

Goodbuy and have a nice time at home!!

Buy buy
Annelies (for some of you: Anjelies)

  • 06 Oktober 2005 - 21:00


    Hello my Anjelies!!!
    Website is smashing! Photos are fab- they gave me a good wee chuckle!!
    Cant wait till Nov 11th!! And to try a frikandel- whatever that may be! Heehee. Itl be a blast im sure.
    C U veryveryvery soon!
    Lotsandlots of love2uxxx

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